How to Advertise on TikTok in 2022

How to Advertise on TikTok - Your Guide to TikTok Monetization 2022

Here’s how to make money on TikTok – the platform with massive advertisement potential.

Making money on TikTok is the dream job for millions worldwide. If you want to get traffic from TikTok without investing too much money, it’s crucial to learn the best ways to do that. Uploading random stuff won’t help.

But don’t worry, learning how to make money on TikTok 2022 isn’t hard. You have two options. Make a TikTok advertising campaign and try to become a trendsetter. Or repurpose existing trends. Let’s see what you need to do in both cases. That will help you pick a method that suits you more.

Designing a TikTok Advertising Campaign

So, the first option to grab some traffic on TikTok is designing an advertising campaign. If you do a good job, that can be VERY rewarding.

Making money through TikTok isn’t only for marketing pros. It’s similar to Facebook and Instagram ads. And if you know anything about those, you know that advertising campaigns determine how many clicks, followers, and dollars you’ll get. This means you have to create content that fits the style of your account but gives your audience what they need.

Short, punchy content usually performs better on TikTok. Focus on attention-grabbing captions, and call to action where necessary. The famous meme of Don Draper says: “Spend 50% of the time writing your headline and the rest of the time writing your CTA.”

It’s true for Tik Tok too. If your headline doesn’t show what the content is about, no one will watch it. If your CTA isn’t 110% clear, no one will click it. In other words, you’ll give money to TikTok without getting much back.

Designing a proper TikTok advertising campaign is about understanding your target audience. What kind of content does your target audience watch? What trends do they follow on the app? How can you use those trends to position yourself naturally within their content feed? Without answering those questions, you’ll never become the next TikTok star.

Repurposing Trends and Content

Another way to explore monetization on TikTok is to consider the repurposing and reusing trends and content to successfully appeal to a wide audience.

Repurposing content is straightforward. There is a process for doing it. And it’s crucial to understand that you have to create unique content (not just plagiarise popular videos). So, you start by taking a video and downloading it. Once you have the video, you need to start editing it.

TikTok doesn’t like outright plagiarism, but they understand the trends spread around the internet. So they don’t get angry when most people do a variation on the theme. Edit something properly and include some original content, and you’ll be fine.

Repurposing a video is a popular trend on TikTok. You need to follow their guidelines and be careful not to spam people. TikTok doesn’t like businesses just throwing out advertisements or content, nor do TikTok users.

With that being said, one of the most reliable ways to make money on TikTok is to use existing trends and content to repurchase. These things are popular for a reason, and they can cycle around the site incredibly quickly. TikTok is great for generating income. But for businesses, you also look at how you can use it to generate leads and connect to the target audience in a meaningful fashion. In other words, use TikTok for branding, not just for sales.

This is definitely a strategy for you if you want to get traffic from TikTok without investing money. It’s free to take and repurpose content. Also, it’s more likely to bring results than designing an entire advertising campaign from scratch.

The Viral TikTok Trends Every Business Can Take Advantage Of

Take dancing trends to go viral overnight. Soon you see everybody posting the same video. That’s your chance to use that video and edit it to become relevant for your business. That editing doesn’t have to be on the Hollywood level. Adding a funny text to a video or putting your logo in a funny place can be enough.

Seamless transitions are also a trend made viral by TikTok and their great UX. Using transitions in your videos will make your account look professional. No one will know that you don’t have a team of editors behind you.

Referencing current pop culture is trendy on all social media. It brings the most profit on TikTok because it’s popular among younger generations who follow the trends. If you notice that a TV show is going viral, create content that connects that show with your business. You’ll reach God knows how many people. They’d never hear about your business otherwise. You’ll recognize what we’re talking about if you were on TikTok when Squid Game was trending.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, there are two ways to make money on TikTok. Investing in creating advertising campaigns that target your audience or repurposing trendy videos to reach your audience without paying for ads. As marketers like to say, the money is in the list. That list on TikTok is the number of followers. It’s crucial to build the number of followers. The best way to do that is to put out quality content that keeps up with the trends. Posting dry business advertisements isn’t good because most people use social media to have fun, not read ads.

TikTok is the most popular social media that gives the best chances to reach your prospects and make money. But don’t just create an account and act like a 10-year-old girl who posts random stuff. It’s wild out there.

People know how much money can be made on TikTok, so you need a clear plan. You need to think of every step before even creating a profile. Come up with an original content strategy that will make you stand out from the competition.

However, don’t neglect repurposing. That’s how you grab the attention of people who don’t know you or your business but follow all the trends on TikTok.